Tuesday, January 13, 2009

another cold week...-39c tonight and I still have to walk the dogs... as long as they have their booties on they don't seem to be bothered by the cold...they just want to pick up the pace!  

Happy New Year, again, if you follow the Greek Orthodox calendar, New Years is January 12...I think. Anyway, we celebrated with a traditional dinner in a tent at 40 below this past Saturday... very comfortable and fun.

Since moving north I've always felt the value of Christmas and celebration on a whole different level. There is a tremendous need to celebrate and kick up your heels at this time of the year...dark, cold and difficult. The timing of a Christmas break is perfect. I can't imagine what this time of the year would be like if there was no reason to celebrate... grim!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

This is the third day of 2009... -42C (stands for COLD) ! I'm starting to feel the effects of cabin fever. It's been around -40 for a few days and I am growing impatient as I wait for good skiing weather...anything warmer than -30. 

My daughter dug out an old sweat shirt with the words Chosen Frozen on the front and wanted to know where I got it from. I told her of a time I was storm bound in Iqaluit's Navigator Inn with folks who were doing an expedition to the North Pole(Will Steiger)... their expedition was named Chosen Frozen. I bought the shirt...still fits and I guess so does the message.